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发布时间: 2010/10/25 16:41:00 访问次数: 5977

  学校广播室“校园英语之声”栏目就“How to Make Better Use of Our Spare Time”进行征文。请用英语给该栏目写一篇广播稿。
  提示词语:watch,  play,  chat with sb,  study,  read, 
       social activities, do sports
  Hello, everybody! It’s time again for our English Broadcasting Program. Today’s topic is “How to Make Better Use of Our Spare Time”.
  Now, we students have some free time. But _______________                                                  __
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  Let’s make good use of our free time and make our life rich and colorful.

  Hello, everybody! It’s time again for our English Broadcasting Program. Today’s topic is “How to Make Better Use of Our Spare Time”.
  Now, we students have some free time. But some students always waste time. Such as watching TV and playing computer games too much. I do not think their lives are colorful. These are not good ways to spend our free time, because it is bad for our health to spend most of our free time watching TV and playing computer games.
  In my opinion, if we have free time, we can do some sports we like them with our classmates. It is not only very interesting, but also good for our health. Reading books is also a great idea. It can help us know more about the world. What’s more, why not do some social activities? It is also helpful.
  Let’s make good use of our free time and make our life rich and colorful.

  1. 本文覆盖了所有内容要点,并且内容表达清楚,体现活跃的思维和清晰的逻辑;
  2. 句式和词汇丰富,语法方面有个别错误(例如:we can do some sports we like them with our classmates. them应删去,此用法为定语从句,学生还未学到),但为尽可能表达丰富的内容所致;体现了较强的语言运用能力;
  3. 语篇连贯,交际得体, 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,所写内容连贯、结构紧凑。

注意:1. 文章开头已为你写好。
   2. 词数不少于60。 

  We had some American exchange students in our school last week. As a host brother, I’d like to share some happy experiences with you.

学生作品(高三9班 李劲)

  We had some American exchange students in our school last week. As a host brother, I’d like to share some happy experiences with you.
  On the day when they arrived, we held a very warm welcoming ceremony for them. We applauded and greeted them when they were giving self-introduction. With the photo I had received, I recognized David, the American student who would stay in my family.
  After the ceremony, David and I took subway home. As soon as we got home, my parents welcomed him warmly and I introduced them to each other. And then we enjoyed a great meal. It seemed that David had a good appetite for Chinese food.
  The next day, we went to the famous places of interest in Beijing --- the Great Wall and the Bird Nest. I took a lot of photos for him and he seemed very excited.
  How time flies! The day when David should return came. We bid goodbye to them in front of the school gate and we exchanged gifts.He gave me a box of chocolate and I gave him a Chinese kite.
  I really had a nice experience with David and I am looking forward to another chance like that.



  In your English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You’re asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.
  参考词汇:cactus 仙人掌 (可数名词)


学生作品(高三9班 李劲)
  As we can see in the picture, in a big desert, a big cactus is holding an umbrella for a small cactus in a very hot day. But the small one in the shade seems very weak .The big cactus is very upset, but he cannot find any solutions.
  As far as I am concerned, to some extent, the big cactus is just like parents while the small cactus is their child. And the hot sun is the difficulties and bad environment. Parents always want to protect their child and keep away from those difficulties and problems. But in fact, a child needs difficulties to experience challenge just like the cactus needs the hot burning sun! If parents make all decisions and solve all problems for their child, the child won’t grow up as a real man.
  So in my opinion, parents and family should give more chances to their children to challenge themselves.. Only in this way, can a child grow up as a successful man.


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